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Post reply Index / Star Wars - The Old Republic / Datacrons - Corellia Post reply
Posts: 101
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Location: Korpis
Quote Private message Subject: Datacrons - Corellia    Posted: 2012-01-24 09:08:55

Blastfield Shipyard - Willpower +
Location. Blastfield Shipyard
From the Southeast corner, run along the side of the building, under the metal platform and jump onto a beam that goes east. From there look for the datacron in the southern area in the open.

Labor Valley - Cunning +
Location. Labor Valley
Find a flaming pipe overhead on the East side of the road running North to South from north of Republic Train Station.

From around the building to the northeastern side, up the debris, run around the roof to where the pipe was, and look for the datacron inside the broken pathway.

Labor Valley - Strength +
Location. Labor Valley
Look for a crane holding a shuttle in the South of Republic Train Station. Go up the pipe that is holding up the canopy, and jump onto the shuttle from the canopy. Now jump off on the other end, and take the elevator to get to the higher box – from here jump to get the datacron.
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Post reply Index / Star Wars - The Old Republic / Datacrons - Corellia Post reply